Keep Your Cool in the Summer

With the summer months upon us, ETK have put together a few handy hints and tips to make sure you stay safe in the sun:



Don't forget your sun-cream! Your Holiday Home may not be in the Caribbean, but the UK sun is still around. Recent research has found that our bodies need around 30 mins of unprotected sunlight per day, to produce the required amount of Vitamin D to stay healthy, however, this doesn't apply in excessive temperatures! 

There's a big difference between a healthy tan and resembling a lobster by the end of the day, which really isn't a "good look" for anyone. It's imperative to keep the sun protection topped up throughout the day, especially if you are in and out of the pools or the sea.


We all usually remember to ensure the kids are wearing sun-hats, but what about the adults? If you do happen to be "folically-challenged" please don't forget YOUR SCALP! Either bite the bullet and use sun-cream, or wear a HAT...  a bright red scalp is never a good idea (and it hurts).



It may sound like stating the obvious, but copious amounts of alcohol in searing heat is never a good mix! Alcohol dehydrates the body at a very rapid rate! Save the cooled beers or chilled wine for the evening, when temperatures are a tad lower. Plain water is really the best to rehydrated during hotter weather and avoid drinks containing caffeine, as they will increase the metabolic heat within the body. 

Little and often! The bigger the meal, the more metabolic heat your body will produce by breaking down the food intake. Avoid high protein foods, which also increase metabolic heat. If you can stand it, eat spicy foods! Curries and chillies actually stimulate heat receptors in the mouth, which enhances circulation and causes sweating, which in turn, cools the body down! (You can use that as an excuse anyway to phone that take-away restaurant.)


Stick to light-weight, light-coloured clothes. Heat can be trapped by synthetic fibres, but cotton traps perspiration (lovely) and the evaporation process makes you feel cooler. Lighter colours will reflect the sun's radiation.

Cooling Down: 

Run your wrists under a cold tap every few hours, it helps to cool the blood, as a main vein runs through the area, much easier than trying to stick your neck or your thigh under a tap. Don't take a "cold shower" - take a tepid shower, just below body temperature: if you use cold water, your body generates heat afterwards to compensate for the heat loss.  

Slow Down!: 

Any strenuous activity will raise your body temperature, so sit back and relax! If you must go out for a daily run, do it early in the morning, or late at night when temperatures are lower.

Close Those Curtains: 

Pull curtains shut, or close blinds and the heat of the sun won't be quite so fierce in a Holiday Home. Keep doors and windows open whilst you are there, but do still remember to close everything securely when you leave the Holiday Home unattended. It may seem hot when you get back, but that's better than finding all your possessions have vanished or you have someone else sleeping in your bed.

Out and About: 

Put your damp flannels in the freezer overnight and shove into a food bag to take out with you the next day. You can also buy cans of "water mist" which stay cool, (good for kiddies and the big kids alike) and always pack the suncream. Even if the morning looks "iffy" - by lunchtime you could be turning into a lobster.


If you have managed to burn, as soon as you feel that "burn" start: take a cool (not cold!) shower and slap as much moisturising cream, aloe vera, after-sun etc as you can onto the afflicted area AND STAY OUT OF THE SUN!

The best aftersun creams contain Vitamins C and E. NEVER break any blisters, as that's when infection can set in. Any burn draws fluid away from the body, so you need to drink more, (water:- not beer or wine) and watch out for signs of dehydration: dry mouth, thirst, reduced urination, headaches, dizziness and sleepiness (especially with children.) If you are at all concerned: seek medical advice as soon as possible.  



 ETK wish you a safe and sunny 2016 summer break